Pricing + Services


We provide advice-only financial planning that is completely unbiased. We offer clients a few different services, from self-directed planning using our innovative financial planning platform, to custom financial planning engagements with an advice-only financial planner.

We keep our fees simple, there are no products, no commissions, just advice.

Self-Directed Financial Plan

Build your own financial plan! Create a Self-Directed Financial Plan using our innovative financial planning platform. Create your own financial plan quickly in three simple phases. Find new tax and benefit opportunities, learn best practices, and confirm you’re on the right track to reach your financial goals.

Bonus! Includes a 1-hour session with an advice-only financial planner to review your plan and identify opportunities.

$250 x 2 payments

Initial plan
3-month access to platform
1-hour with advice-only financial planner
Email support

+$27 Per Month

First 3-months free, cancel anytime
Regular plan updates
Progress tracking

  • Confirm you’re on the right track (or if you need to make changes)

    -Identify new tax and gov. benefit opportunities

    Help videos from advice-only financial planners

    Customize your financial plan to perfectly fit you and your goals

    Access your plan at any time, day or night

    Visually map your income and spending

    Identify new cash flow opportunities

    Get insights into family expenses

    Plan for education funding using RESPs and grants

    See the impact of spending changes on your long-term plan

    Learn new best practices

    Pay off debt faster

    Plan short and medium-term goals

    Create an investment plan for long-term goals

    Plan retirement decumulation

    See the impact of RRSP to RRIF conversion timing

    Automatic estimates for government benefits like CCB, GIS, and many more

    Automatic estimates for retirement benefits like CPP and OAS

    Automatic calculations for income tax, CPP and EI contributions

    Automatic income splitting for couples

    Know exactly what to do with a detailed year-by-year road map

    Long-term projections for net worth, income, expenses, and taxes

    Understand your financial plan’s success rate from 0% to 100%

    Estimate the chance of running out of money in retirement

    60-day access to the platform to build your Self-Directed Financial Plan

    Access to the PlanEasy Community as you build your plan

    On-going access to the platform (optional with monthly fee)

Custom Financial Plan

The Custom Financial Plan perfectly reflects your values and goals and helps you feel secure with your financial future. Work with an advice-only financial planner to create a custom financial plan year-by-year, from today all the way until late retirement. Together we plan every aspect of your finances and create a detailed plan to help you make the most of your money.

$800 Initial + 2 Payments of $750

Initial plan
3-month access to platform
Dedicated advice-only financial planner
3 one-on-one meetings

+$95 Per Month

First 3-months free, cancel anytime
Semi-annual checkpoints
Annual plan updates
Progress tracking

  • Free 30-minute Discovery call with an advice-only financial planner

    Second opinion on your current and retirement spending vs benchmarks

    Best practices to help manage income and spending

    Recommendations to help prepare for emergencies and infrequent expenses

    Plan for starting a family with changes to income and expenses

    Pay off debt faster with a debt payoff plan and monthly payment goals

    Education plan for children’s post-secondary education

    Savings plan for short and medium-term goals

    Investment plan for long-term goals like retirement

    Decumulation plan for retirement income

    Income splitting opportunities for couples both now and in retirement

    Estimates for government benefits like CCB, GIS, and more

    Estimates for retirement benefits like CPP and OAS

    Explore different options with up to 3 separate scenarios

    Know exactly what to do with a detailed year-by-year road map

    Longer-term projections for net worth, income, expenses, and taxes

    Understand your financial plan’s success rate from 0% to 100%

    Estimate the chance of running out of money in retirement

    90-day access to platform to build your Custom Financial Plan in collaboration with your financial planner

    30-minute Foundation meeting to confirm facts and assumptions

    60-minute Plan Presentation meeting to review final recommendations

    On-going access to the platform (optional with monthly fee)

    Semi-annual checkpoints (optional with monthly fee)

    Annual plan updates (optional with monthly fee)

Advanced Financial Plan

The Advanced Financial Plan is for more advanced situations, this includes self-employed business owners, rental property owners, unique types of compensation (RSUs, stock options, large commissions and income etc), special executive pension plans etc. Receive all the benefits of our custom financial plan but with the extra attention required for these advanced financial planning situations. Work with an advice-only financial planner to create an Advanced Financial Plan and explore big decisions with up to 5 separate scenarios.

$1000 x 4 Payments

Initial plan
4-month access to platform
Dedicated advice-only financial planner
4 one-on-one meetings

+$225 Per Month

First 4-months free, cancel anytime
Quarterly checkpoints
Annual plan updates
Progress tracking

  • Free 60-minute Discovery call/meeting with a financial planner

    Second opinion on your current and retirement spending vs benchmarks

    Best practices to help manage income and spending

    Recommendations to help prepare for emergencies and infrequent expenses

    Self-employed business income and expenses

    Evaluating your rental property for cash flow and return on investment

    Plan for starting a family with changes to income and expenses

    Pay off debt faster with a debt payoff plan and monthly payment goals

    Education plan for children’s post-secondary education

    Savings plan for short and medium-term goals

    Investment plan for long-term goals like retirement

    Decumulation plan for retirement income

    Income splitting opportunities for couples both now and in retirement

    Estimates for government benefits like CCB, GIS, and more

    Estimates for retirement benefits like CPP and OAS

    Explore different options with up to 5 separate scenarios

    Know exactly what to do with a detailed year-by-year road map

    Longer-term projections for net worth, income, expenses, and taxes

    Understand your financial plan’s success rate from 0% to 100%

    Estimate the chance of running out of money in retirement

    120-day access to platform to build your Custom Financial Plan in collaboration with your financial planner

    30-minute Foundation meeting to confirm facts and assumptions

    60-minute Plan Presentation meeting to review final recommendations

    On-going access to the platform (optional with monthly fee)

    Semi-annual checkpoints (optional with monthly fee)

    Annual plan updates (optional with monthly fee)

Financial planning services with set package rates. All one time consults include a sit down session that will be about an hour and a half and will include a simple take home education and action plan.

Our Fiduciary Statement »

We also offer Zoom appointments in order to provide services through social distancing regulations. They are also available if you live to far to want to commute or if it helps you keep your busy schedule!


Do-it-yourself Investing

$250 — Learn the fundamentals of how investing works and how to incorporate best practice and open your own investment. Learn tax efficiencies and how to keep fees low. Huge long term savings potential.

Second look Portfolio

$400— In addition to the sit down session this includes an analysis of your current investments before we sit down together. Have peace of mind that your investment costs tax efficiencies and risk management are in line with your goals and investment behavior. A second opinion that is only being paid by you and not by companies that want your investment business is financially wise.

General Session

$250 —Maybe your money questions don’t fit into one of these boxes right now! Please make an inquiry and I will see if your questions match my knowledge and skill set and if they do I will have a session tailored to your specific need.